Sunnah of the Week #3: Dua Right Before Eating

In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Especially Compassionate,

This week we will implement a new sunnah of the blessed Messenger, inshaAllah. Each week, we will add another sunnah to our daily routines. You can see the full story behind this idea in the post A Sunnah a Day Keeps the Devil Away.

Here is a simple dua to recite when you’ve “touched the food” (i.e. before you put the first bite in your mouth.) If you do not remember it as soon as you begin eating (which is the goal to be aiming for), compensate by doing it as early in your meal as you remember it. InshaAllah it will gradually become something you learn to recite upon opening your meal so that you begin your meal with the dhikr of Allah.

Try to do recite the dua with as much sincerity in your heart as possible. Note, you must have this dua memorized by the end of Friday in order to implement it everyday for the next week. If you do not understand Arabic, make sure to have a rough translation memorized as well, inshaAllah.

بِسْمِ اللٌّهِ، بَارِكْ لَنَا فِيمَا رَزَقْتَنَا وَعَلَيْكَ خَلْفَهُ

“In the name of Allah, (O Allah!) bless for us from what you have given us of sustenance and upon You do we rely for its replenishment.”

Make a commitment with yourself to implement this sunnah. Below is a poll in which you can affirm your commitment to, inshaAllah, a growing community here on the Muslim Theist. This will act as positive peer pressure as well as an accountability mechanism. Below it, is another poll where we will hold ourselves accountable for the implementation of the last week’s Sunnah, if you made a commitment for that week. Next Friday, I will take another poll whereby you will have a chance to hold yourself accountable regarding the commitment you made this week, and to grade yourself on how well you did, inshaAllah. May Allah grant us all tawfeeq on this journey!

(Week 3) Are you committed to getting closer to Allah and His Messenger by implementing the above Sunnah this week?

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Grade yourself on the frequency of your implementation the previous weeks' sunnan.

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Grade yourself on the sincerity of your heart during the times you did implement the previous weeks' sunnan.

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Was your implementation (overall, both in terms of frequency and sincerity) of the sunnan, better or worse than last week?

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