
Can God be both Merciful and Just?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

“Justice means to give someone exactly what he deserves. Mercy is to give someone less than he deserves. God therefore cannot be infinitely/perfectly Just and infinitely/perfectly Merciful at the same time.”

Famous atheist Dan Barker once made this argument in a debate. Although there are many answers to this dilemma, I wanted to offer one thought.

Let us say that a man murdered your child. In Islamic law, you have the option to a) have him executed or b) forgive the man and have him pay blood money.

Let us say you pick option b, which is the more merciful option. Has justice not been served? Of course it has. That is because you, as the injured party, have the choice as to whether you want vengeance or not. The murderer is brought to justice in both a and b, because justice here is dependent on the will of the injured party.

Allah owns all of us, and all sins are sins against Allah first and foremost. He can therefore choose to forgive whatever He Wills on the Day of Judgement without this being a violation of justice. All of our missed prayers, our anger, our lust, etc. can be forgiven. Continue Reading

The Purple Skeptic Community

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Imagine you lived in a world where half the population was colour blind to the colour purple. You are one of the people who can see the colour purple. Imagine, then, that among the colourblind half of the population, they began a “skeptic community” about whether the colour purple actually exists, or whether purple-believer half of the population was simply delusional – imagining things, making things up, asserting the existence of a colour for which no scientific or objective evidence could be produced. Continue Reading

Discussion Review: William Lane Craig and CosmicSkeptic on the Kalaam Cosmological Argument

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I recently reviewed this great discussion between WLC and CosmicSkeptic. Below, I have posted the original video, my review, and then the notes I used when making the video. Continue Reading

A Daily Checklist Based on the Prophet’s Ramadan Sermon

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I recently went over some versions of the Prophet’s khutbah welcoming the month of Ramadhan. In it, he (s) mentions various advices and commands for the believers to take note of during this month. However, it is hard to keep track of them, so I’ve compiled them into a numbered checklist. I will be trying, inshaAllah, to review this checklist daily and try to tick off as many boxes as I can so that this month will be as blessed as possible. Please comment below if you will be joining me on this journey so that we can keep each other accountable. If you have not read the full sermon before, please do before viewing the summary below, as the Prophet (s) mentions important details not mentioned here for brevity’s sake. Continue Reading