
My Podcast Link

بسم اللهل الرحمن الرحيم

I decided to start posting the audio of my videos as podcasts for those who like listening while driving or doing other things. Here is the link: https://anchor.fm/themuslimtheist Continue Reading

7 Academic Access with Shoaib Malik Episodes Worth Watching

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I have recently went on a binge of Shoaib Malik‘s series “Academic Access” (sometimes converting them into mp3’s and listening to them while driving, working out or doing other tasks). While I have not listened to every episode, I’ve listened to quite a few. The episodes are generally good, but, like with everything else, there are hits and misses and so there were some episodes that I considered to be much better than others. What I’d like to share here are 7 episodes that I found to be worth the listen. Continue Reading