Ridicule is the Weapon of the Disbeliever
On YouTube, there is a rise of channels (The Vegan Atheist comes to mind) of super-smart-unbiased-intellectual-smartherthanthou-amazinglyintelligent-skeptics who are now making it their primary business to ridicule the Creator of the Universe’s Last Covenant with mankind.
After reviewing the paltry intellectual substance of their criticism as well as their method of criticism (which, contrary to what they would have you think, reveals how close-minded they are), I’ve been thinking.
I’ve been thinking that the weapon of the disbeliever is Ridicule. What they want to do is to reduce the plausibility matrix of Islam (or any religion) being true, and they do so by creating an atmosphere of laughability at the mere suggestion that you would even consider such obvious hogwash to be anything more.
This is a psychological bullying tactic that is used to sweep under the rational mind and hit a Muslim right in the feelz so as to knock his self-esteem. The consequent result is either rage or doubt, both of which are good for the Vegan Atheist.
If a Muslim doubts, this is a step towards conversion to the One True (un)Faith – that of scientific naturalism. If a Muslim rages, then TVA’s confirmation bias kicks in and he gets to put Islam on blast for being a religion that teaches violence against those oh so peaceful exercisers of Free SpeechTM.
This tradition actually goes all the way back to Voltaire, who used humour to undermine the Catholic Church. The result was the French Revolution which saw the guillotining of many Catholic priests, the confiscation of Church property and in essence the destruction of what remained of Catholic France. France has never recovered.
My message to Muslims: don’t let ridicule get under your skin.
Realize what they are doing, and realize the weapon of the disbeliever is feeble. If you have any actual intellectual doubts regarding the deen, then take care of that, but learn to watch your nafs and see when your actions are being motivated by a layer deeper than the rational mind, layers of the nafs which are out of balance and hence harbour insecurities.
And always remember: freedom of speech is also freedom for the devil to whisper. Blasphemous humour is not harmless nor does it contribute to knowledge.
It is a rhetorical tactic and a siren call used to undermine God.