
Everything Wrong With This Tweet

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

A brother recently asked me “How would you respond to this common atheist retort?”

“If you need someone to threaten eternal damnation in order to be a good person, you need more than just religion.” Continue Reading

Response to David Wood’s Argument on the Muslim “Strategy”

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In a recent debate with the cocksure and outrageously honest apologist, Daniel Haqiqatjou, the sly provocateur, David Wood, made reference to a conspiratorial anti-Islamic trope. He charged Muslims, following in the steps of the Prophet Muhammad (s), or so he claims, with a secret plot to preach tolerance until such a time as to gain enough strength to supplant the existing social structure and impose Islam upon all. Continue Reading

The Great Books of the Islamic World Megalist Draft

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

The late American philosopher Mortimer J. Adler compiled a list of books that he deemed “The Great Books of the Western World.” Introducing this list of books at the end of his best-selling book “How to Read a Book” (recommended by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf), he writes:   Continue Reading

Ridicule is the Weapon of the Disbeliever

On YouTube, there is a rise of channels (The Vegan Atheist comes to mind) of super-smart-unbiased-intellectual-smartherthanthou-amazinglyintelligent-skeptics who are now making it their primary business to ridicule the Creator of the Universe’s Last Covenant with mankind. Continue Reading

Can Religious Texts Be Used as Historical Evidence?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In a recent Reddit thread, someone asked about the practice of infanticide. In response, I said the following: Continue Reading

Are Late Sources Unreliable?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

We often hear from critics that the hadith canon was written hundreds of years after the death of the Prophet (s) and therefore it is unreliable. Continue Reading

New Video: Should we believe in a realm beyond nature?

The Purple Skeptic Community

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Imagine you lived in a world where half the population was colour blind to the colour purple. You are one of the people who can see the colour purple. Imagine, then, that among the colourblind half of the population, they began a “skeptic community” about whether the colour purple actually exists, or whether purple-believer half of the population was simply delusional – imagining things, making things up, asserting the existence of a colour for which no scientific or objective evidence could be produced. Continue Reading

Why “Christians were violent too!” Is a Bad Argument

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I constantly see this argument that Leftists (and consequently their Muslim acolytes who seek protection in their masters’ arms) like to use. It goes something like this: Oh, you’re going to quote the Quran and say that Muslims are all violent? Well guess what? Christianity was violent too! Look at the Crusades! Look at the Inquisition! Look at all these horrible persecutions of minorities that Christians have done over the centuries! Thus we cannot judge Muslims to be violent just because of what their scripture says. There are multiple interpretations!

The reason why this is a bad argument is twofold. First of all, and the more important of which, it feeds into this narrative that religion is evil and violent. “Religion is the cause of violence” is a common New Atheist argument and all we’re doing is enforcing that (false) narrative. In fact, I frequently see people comment on articles that invoke this kind of argument something along the lines of “this is why all religions are evil/stupid. We shouldn’t persecute Muslims, but why would anyone believe in anything that stupid anyway.” Continue Reading

New Video: Oppy vs Feser, Objections to the Contingency Argument, and Pascal’s Wager